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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
314979692.124.100.167310/22/2008 12/7/2008 10:08:57 AM 1280 32 Netscape 5
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3203708190.244.39.217112/7/2008 12/7/2008 10:05:52 AMNull 1440 32 Netscape 5
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3203694217.34.46.147112/7/2008 12/7/2008 9:45:29 AM DVD to iPod&btnG=Google Search&meta= 1280 32 Netscape 5
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320365760.52.73.19212/7/2008 12/7/2008 9:44:24 AM from rmvb to dvd%2Cavi 1024 32 Netscape 5
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320369177.113.60.87112/7/2008 12/7/2008 9:44:11 AM 1280 32 Netscape 5
320369075.75.39.243112/7/2008 12/7/2008 9:42:56 AM cucusoft dvd converter free&btnG=Search 1024 32 Netscape 5
319506983.168.45.125211/30/2008 12/7/2008 9:42:51 AMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
320368985.218.4.254112/7/2008 12/7/2008 9:41:35 AMNull 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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3203686220.101.186.222112/7/2008 12/7/2008 9:40:21 AM video convert&start=10&sa=N 1280 32 Netscape 5