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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
319394812.210.60.241111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:28:34 PM,TSHA:2006-07,TSHA:en&q=cucusoft 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319377899.232.142.87211/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:28:08 PM free program to convert dvd movie to ipod touch%3F&meta= 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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319394484.48.163.129111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:27:30 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319394370.83.247.87111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:26:38 PM Google&meta= 1680 32 Opera 9
319394292.196.116.165111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:26:14 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
319394172.22.253.243111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:26:11 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3193939173.51.17.99111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:25:15 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
319393712.210.205.191111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:24:30 PM ipod video converter&fr=yfp-t-501-s&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
312899276.122.139.113410/4/2008 11/29/2008 5:24:09 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319393571.247.189.10311/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:22:19 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288460324.155.81.15843/3/2008 11/29/2008 5:21:39 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
3193933122.144.116.237111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:21:25 PM converter&btnG=Maghanap&hl=tl&sa=2 1024 32 Netscape 5
319393172.95.33.162111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:20:00 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
3193930190.54.43.105111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:17:11 PM 1024 32 Netscape 5
319392871.206.240.121111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:16:39 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319392767.160.231.70111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:16:03 PM & 1024 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319385782.37.129.93211/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:15:33 PMNull 1024 32 Netscape 5
319392688.254.21.55111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:14:57 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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319391594.210.226.103311/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:14:12 PM 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319324586.20.130.133311/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:12:57 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319392469.15.17.175111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:12:55 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319392368.158.245.144111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:12:18 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302110272.201.1.15226/27/2008 11/29/2008 5:12:17 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3193922141.155.156.231111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:11:55 PM 1680 24 Netscape 5
319390376.186.73.112211/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:10:41 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
319392071.131.191.219111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:10:37 PM dvd to ipod converter&aq=2&oq=cucusoft 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3193919173.52.12.36111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:10:00 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319391892.11.5.170111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:09:25 PM Search&meta= 1280 32 Netscape 5
3193914190.32.110.66211/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:09:18 PM cucusoft&btnG=Buscar con Google&lr= 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319360271.32.241.159211/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:08:54 PM 1600 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
313925368.99.253.151310/12/2008 11/29/2008 5:08:11 PMNull 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319158767.183.56.68211/27/2008 11/29/2008 5:06:32 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319391276.103.198.15111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:05:30 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
319391196.232.221.101111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:04:50 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
319391024.10.78.30111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:03:16 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319390982.2.47.186111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:03:07 PM Search&meta= 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
313248996.232.115.781010/7/2008 11/29/2008 5:03:04 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319390876.251.68.154111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:02:18 PM Search 1024 32 Netscape 5
319390784.90.102.120111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:01:44 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319390568.48.254.177211/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:01:37 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
319390668.164.45.120111/29/2008 11/29/2008 5:01:17 PM,GGLR:2005-37,GGLR:en&q=cucusoft 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319390298.207.75.166111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:58:25 PM ipod&btnG=Search 1280 32 Netscape 5
319390124.238.91.118111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:57:06 PMNull 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319389969.255.3.155111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:56:21 PM 2560 32 Netscape 5
319389892.14.120.24111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:56:05 PM Search 1680 32 Netscape 5
319389769.150.58.148111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:55:57 PM dvd converter&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS245US247&aq=t&aq=t 1024 32 Netscape 5
319388867.169.81.119311/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:55:02 PM Ultimate DVD Converter 1280 32 Netscape 5
319389569.226.104.128111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:54:47 PMNull 1680 32 Netscape 5
319389471.252.169.227111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:54:19 PM video converter suite&aq=f&oq= 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319389391.100.33.205111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:53:30 PM 1920 32 Netscape 5
319389277.127.131.81111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:53:24 PM ipod&btnG=Search 1280 32 Netscape 5
319389172.137.203.119111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:52:18 PMNull 1024 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319389012.171.179.71211/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:51:28 PMNull 1920 24 Netscape 5
319388924.0.8.46111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:50:15 PM 1680 32 Netscape 5
310498284.108.41.18439/12/2008 11/29/2008 4:47:46 PMNull 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319388697.101.65.135111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:46:48 PMNull 1024 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
318752976.108.95.226211/24/2008 11/29/2008 4:45:16 PMNull 1440 32 Netscape 5
319388581.240.3.54111/29/2008 11/29/2008 4:43:17 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7