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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
302268685.5.83.3326/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:52:48 AMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
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302269192.238.45.22626/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:52:03 AMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302265686.137.15.20926/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:51:57 AMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
3022690201.92.219.23716/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:50:32 AMNull 800 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
3022689213.200.29.5416/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:49:46 AMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
302268882.150.58.8516/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:47:28 AMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
302268488.101.107.25326/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:47:17 AM,GGLJ:2008-02,GGLJ:en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=iPOD DVD conversion apple recommendations&spell=1 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3022687212.64.174.1116/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:46:26 AM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
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302268583.72.68.16516/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:43:37 AMNull 1440 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302268387.127.110.1716/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:42:42 AM 1280 32 Netscape 5
302268286.51.3.1816/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:42:39 AM Search 1280 32 Netscape 5
302268184.166.156.9916/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:41:35 AMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
302268088.243.98.5426/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:41:20 AMNull 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302267960.52.196.19316/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:39:45 AM;_ylt=A0geu6vnc2dIySMByFlXNyoA?p=cucusoft&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501-s&ei=UTF-8&fp_ip=MY&rd=r1&meta=vc%3Dmy 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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3022673211.26.157.18216/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:24:30 AM to DVD/VCD/SVCD Converter Pro 7.07&*:IE-Address&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7ADBF 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3022672217.42.50.20616/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:24:26 AM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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302267086.152.121.7916/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:22:51 AM 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302266986.141.77.6236/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:21:32 AM,239030384,10618686s,00.htm 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302266869.202.55.1916/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:18:48 AMNull 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3022667122.167.212.3116/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:17:15 AMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
302266593.107.70.24816/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:13:52 AM ipod suite&spell=1 1024 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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302266270.181.32.14616/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:04:17 AM ultimate dvd converter&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a 1280 32 Netscape 5
302266124.16.251.6616/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:04:15 AM video converter&btnG=Google Search 1280 32 Netscape 5
3022660121.219.112.22716/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:03:55 AM psp converter suite&meta= 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
300922390.207.38.3126/17/2008 6/29/2008 7:02:21 AM Search&meta= 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
302265987.196.103.24916/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:02:14 AM ipod video converter&start=10&sa=N 1280 32 Netscape 5
302265888.228.146.14716/29/2008 6/29/2008 7:01:20 AMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
3022657124.176.245.22016/29/2008 6/29/2008 6:58:07 AM Search&meta= 1280 32 Netscape 5
302265590.217.245.6716/29/2008 6/29/2008 6:55:45 AM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
302265484.123.143.116/29/2008 6/29/2008 6:54:50 AM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7