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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
319232989.241.67.139111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:23:22 PM converter cucusoft&spell=1 1024 32 Netscape 5
319232865.172.247.145111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:22:07 PM to mpeg converter for apple&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 1440 24 Netscape 5
319232575.176.127.36111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:17:19 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
319232469.234.43.200111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:16:30 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
318801670.106.165.63411/24/2008 11/28/2008 3:13:16 PM dvd to ipod converter&fr=yfp-t-501-s&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
319232271.197.8.219111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:12:30 PM best dvd to ipod software&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a 1280 32 Netscape 5
319232189.240.251.22111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:11:39 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319232093.139.45.55111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:11:37 PM dvd to ipod&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 1680 32 Opera 9
319230494.96.141.170211/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:10:46 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319231980.230.198.132111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:10:40 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
319231824.214.32.60111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:10:06 PM soft&mkt=en-us&FORM=IE8SRC&src=IE-Address 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
318992096.24.150.205611/26/2008 11/28/2008 3:08:49 PMNull 1024 32 Netscape 5
319231784.147.212.4111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:08:26 PM 800 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319231669.153.102.224111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:08:21 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319231581.17.83.46111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:07:16 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3192314217.203.171.78111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:06:19 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319231286.124.235.92111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:05:17 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
304189387.80.138.21027/16/2008 11/28/2008 3:04:30 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
3192311222.123.166.20111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:04:01 PM to iPod&meta= 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319228868.99.206.161211/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:03:34 PM 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3192310193.93.219.193111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:02:19 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
318217682.1.139.12211/20/2008 11/28/2008 3:01:14 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
282933067.85.71.12421/27/2008 11/28/2008 3:01:04 PM 1152 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
3192308206.174.66.221111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:00:28 PM to ipod converter&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 1680 24 Netscape 5
319230667.53.6.64111/28/2008 11/28/2008 3:00:16 PM dvd to zune&btnG=Google Search 1680 32 Netscape 5
3192305173.49.47.136111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:58:21 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319230369.155.4.60111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:56:29 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319230177.251.193.240211/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:55:46 PM AVI to vcd dvd svcd&btnG=Google zoeken&meta= 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319230263.126.66.2111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:55:20 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319230086.192.223.171111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:53:29 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319229977.81.233.212111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:53:27 PM iPod Video Converter Suite&SelfSearch=1&SearchSourceOrigin=10&ctid=CT2004933 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
319229589.242.210.36211/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:51:18 PMNull 1600 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319223898.232.155.199511/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:51:10 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319229264.149.43.115211/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:50:08 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319225576.29.105.240211/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:49:37 PM zune &btnG=Google Search&aq=f 1600 32 Netscape 5
319229672.213.178.4111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:48:58 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
319229424.224.102.160111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:47:31 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319229375.193.114.111111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:46:23 PM Search&aq=f&oq= 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
319229176.230.147.42111/28/2008 11/28/2008 2:45:10 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
318567072.65.191.59311/23/2008 11/28/2008 2:45:05 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6