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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
322276786.149.132.155112/22/2008 12/22/2008 7:11:22 AM 1440 24 Netscape 5
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3222679117.197.18.195412/22/2008 12/22/2008 6:49:06 AM DVD to iPod Video Suite 1920 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
322276081.101.37.154112/22/2008 12/22/2008 6:49:05 AM 1152 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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322275088.109.240.35212/22/2008 12/22/2008 6:35:50 AM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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322273878.4.240.158112/22/2008 12/22/2008 6:05:14 AM 1280 32 Netscape 5
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3222729203.171.68.48112/22/2008 12/22/2008 5:49:52 AM 1024 32 Netscape 5
3222727117.195.164.147112/22/2008 12/22/2008 5:48:39 AM ipod converter&btnG=Google Search&meta= 1024 32 Netscape 5