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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
320428865.102.249.39112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:55:06 PM 1024 16 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
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320428264.180.189.44312/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:54:19 PMNull 1440 16 Netscape 5
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320427571.17.48.188112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:50:09 PM AVI to VCD DVD MPEG Creator Pro%2C Pie Rated Version&btnG=Google Search&meta=lr%3D 1440 24 Netscape 5
320427499.11.197.222112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:50:04 PM Search&aq=3&oq=cuco 1280 32 Netscape 5
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320427279.111.112.235112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:48:04 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
3203575118.137.69.84212/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:47:40 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
320427078.149.84.122112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:47:17 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
320426975.187.142.108112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:46:55 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
320426865.92.59.165112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:46:35 PM Search&meta=lr%3D 1280 32 Netscape 5
320426777.28.185.204112/7/2008 12/7/2008 5:45:22 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7