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ID IP Address Visit Times First Visit Date Open Page Time Close Page Time Referrer URL gclid Screen Width Screen Color Navigator Name Navigator Version
288144324.73.31.24013/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:13:37 PM dvd to zune converter&btnG=Search 1280 32 Netscape 5
288144287.102.21.15113/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:12:14 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288142271.121.190.15223/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:11:41 PM soft&btnG=Google Search 1280 32 Netscape 5
288144089.240.198.10013/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:10:23 PMNull 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288143999.140.59.21113/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:10:13 PMNull 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143876.126.152.9913/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:08:16 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143758.227.31.18613/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:06:44 PM 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143665.29.163.10713/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:06:28 PM &*&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
287910867.172.65.6422/29/2008 3/1/2008 6:06:01 PMNull 320 32 Netscape 5
288141776.31.67.18653/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:05:29 PM 1360 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288140775.22.37.22723/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:05:26 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143565.93.148.3113/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:05:21 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143198.132.60.5233/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:05:02 PM 1440 24 Netscape 5
288143475.179.131.10413/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:04:56 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143390.202.117.2313/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:04:34 PM 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288143267.101.144.10013/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:02:45 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881430200.102.93.17613/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:02:44 PMNull 1024 32 Netscape 5
288142889.129.180.12913/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:01:51 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881427157.228.237.21613/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:01:15 PM All & 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288142674.241.34.8923/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:01:08 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
2881425190.135.174.20413/1/2008 3/1/2008 6:00:12 PMNull 1440 32 Opera 9
2881424189.19.155.15213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:59:30 PMNull 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288142366.168.79.18713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:59:20 PM,GGGL:2006-41,GGGL:en 1024 32 Netscape 5
2881421202.129.187.7613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:58:24 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
288142076.247.110.6613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:58:18 PMNull 800 32 Netscape 5
288141966.215.109.20813/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:58:10 PM 1024 32 Netscape 5
288141871.118.82.8213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:57:26 PM DVD to iPod Converter 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
2881416190.31.18.9613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:56:23 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288141490.198.223.1713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:53:45 PMNull 1152 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288141376.84.0.4613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:52:44 PM 800 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288127368.144.168.7223/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:52:35 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288141182.28.53.15213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:52:11 PM dvd ripper for ipod&btnG=Search&meta= 1024 32 Netscape 5
288141024.180.62.3913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:51:04 PMNull 800 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288140924.147.200.7313/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:50:15 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288140870.160.37.11913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:50:12 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
288119068.122.73.17523/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:49:08 PM 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288140671.228.5.24213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:48:55 PM 1600 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288140524.99.31.23813/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:48:50 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288140372.207.24.19513/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:47:45 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288140268.43.144.16813/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:46:55 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881400213.119.13.9713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:45:47 PM zoeken&meta= 1024 32 Netscape 5
288139868.52.230.1613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:45:24 PM 1024 24 Netscape 5
288138068.186.253.11723/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:44:21 PM 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288120769.253.205.20723/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:43:38 PMNull 1024 16 Netscape 5
288137882.116.85.25423/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:41:18 PMNull 1920 32 Netscape 5
288139771.142.60.17913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:41:08 PM 800 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288136472.194.116.11633/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:40:37 PM 1680 24 Netscape 5
288139667.181.220.20713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:40:16 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288139362.143.132.13013/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:37:19 PMNull 1024 32 Netscape 5
2881392201.232.237.3213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:34:28 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288138724.186.214.14323/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:33:12 PM 1024 32 Netscape 5
288139082.21.50.14013/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:32:44 PMNull 1152 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
2878612122.17.221.10832/28/2008 3/1/2008 5:31:26 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
288138812.197.59.7413/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:30:35 PM converter 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
284887699.245.199.21722/9/2008 3/1/2008 5:30:31 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288138675.161.30.12413/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:30:28 PMNull 1280 32 Netscape 5
2881385207.47.145.15913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:29:27 PM converter to ipod&btnG=Search 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288138472.152.88.19013/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:28:45 PM soft&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a 1024 32 Netscape 5
288138372.160.71.18513/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:26:35 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288137983.115.119.5123/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:24:50 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
2881382201.143.166.6513/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:23:51 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288138168.31.198.20813/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:23:30 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288137666.142.91.11613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:22:28 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881361190.36.204.18923/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:20:38 PM video free&btnG=Buscar&meta= 1024 32 Netscape 5
288137486.158.211.24513/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:19:14 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288137275.71.171.713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:18:37 PM*:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GWYE 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288137176.226.7.12513/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:16:59 PM Mpeg%2fMov%2frm%2fAVI to DVD%2fVCD%2fSVCD %2d Video Converter Pro 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288136890.209.101.623/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:16:50 PM video converter 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881370121.44.197.15413/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:16:47 PM Search&meta= 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881369201.222.175.14113/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:16:45 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288136769.130.135.8413/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:15:37 PM dvd converter&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a 1024 32 Netscape 5
2881366207.119.185.25313/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:15:22 PM dvd converter&*&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288136569.132.202.14213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:14:51 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288136381.240.52.15113/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:13:51 PM Converter&spell=1 1024 32 Netscape 5
288136281.15.210.25113/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:13:41 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288136079.68.116.15013/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:13:34 PM Search&meta= 1680 24 Netscape 5
288135982.7.111.2513/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:11:07 PM to dvd&meta= 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288135868.197.222.9713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:10:45 PM dvd iphone&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 1440 24 Netscape 5
288135676.222.83.22413/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:10:31 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
2881355201.67.202.21813/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:10:31 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288135424.224.33.10313/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:10:17 PM 1440 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
2881353146.151.42.14113/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:10:10 PM 1280 32 Netscape 5
288135274.61.43.13213/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:10:05 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288135170.176.97.20713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:09:58 PM dvd convert&btnG=Google Search 1024 32 Netscape 5
288135071.65.241.22313/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:07:24 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
288134968.92.36.19013/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:06:44 PMNull 1680 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288134858.165.96.11113/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:06:42 PMNull 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288134772.76.97.17423/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:06:37 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
2881346125.238.92.10713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:06:00 PM Zune Video Converter Suite&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:ko:official&client=firefox-a 1024 32 Netscape 5
288134599.224.204.7713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:05:42 PM 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288134499.231.36.1413/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:05:23 PM Search&meta= 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
287080912.52.237.22122/23/2008 3/1/2008 5:04:42 PMNull 1360 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288134324.250.180.1613/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:04:35 PM 1024 32 Netscape 5
288134176.232.156.17913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:03:45 PM Search 1280 24 Netscape 5
288133965.248.61.9913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:02:15 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
2881338201.172.119.13713/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:02:00 PMNull 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
288133768.40.86.3913/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:01:43 PM 1920 24 Netscape 5
288133699.132.136.18013/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:01:29 PM 1024 32 Netscape 5
288133569.244.52.5813/1/2008 3/1/2008 5:00:54 PM DVD 1024 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
286820175.161.47.18842/21/2008 3/1/2008 5:00:37 PM 1280 32 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7